We closed this event.
We want to thank all clans and gaming squads that took the chance to play with us.
We had a great time. For those of you who are still in progress:
TEAM RK wishes you the best of luck. Follow your dreams.
You can see the results below.
Thank you.
Ihr wollt gegen die Besten spielen? Ihr wollt zeigen, dass ihr mehr drauf habt als wir?
Wir geben euch eine Chance! Seid Helden!
Hinterlasst den Steam Namen eures Ansprechpartners sowie euer Wunschdatum und -zeit in den Kommentaren.
Wir melden uns. Danke!
You want to play against the best? You want to prove that you are better than us?
We give you the chance of your life! Be heroes for one day! Leave the Steam nick name of your contact person as well as your favourite date and time below in the comments.
We will get in contact with you. Thanks!
TEAM RK - Make sure you pwn.
TEAM RK vs. KUT - 9:6
TEAM RK vs. C@T - 13:2
TEAM RK vs. =UgC= - 7:0
TEAM RK vs. e.life - 11:0
TEAM RK vs. EPG - 19:0